Extraction Kit, E.Z.N.A. FFPE RNA Kit, 5 preps

Code: R6954-00

E.Z.N.A. FFPE RNA Kit isolates RNA from the FFPE samples using spin columns from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections


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Isolates RNA from the FFPE samples using spin columns. The E.Z.N.A.® FFPE RNA Kit is specially designed for isolation of total RNA from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections. This method can also be used for the preparation of total RNA from fibrous samples such as heart and muscle tissue. The sample is first processed in a special buffer by heating to deactivate RNase’s and deparaffinization. Then the lysate is treated with Proteinase K to digest proteins. The cleared lysate is then applied to a HiBind RNA column to capture RNA. After two quick wash steps, purified RNA is eluted with water. While E.Z.N.A.® FFPE RNA Kit is optimized to minimize the effect of formaldehyde modification, it is not recommended to use the RNA purified from this kit for downstream applications that require full-length RNA.

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